اعمل الدونشن بالسي بي من غير انبسيهات يعني ايه يعني حضرتك هتحط مثلا 300 الف سبس هتدوس وترفع بدل ما ياخد منك 20 الف ويديك مليار لا ده ياخد منك الي انت دفعتو يعني 300 الف بي 300 في الرانك تمام هتخش علي البوجيكت وتفتح فولدر Game وبعدين ConquerStructures وبعدين كلاس nobility.cs هتمسح الي في وتحط دول مكانو هيجبلك ايرور هتبدل اسم البروجيكت الي هوه ده kingdom باسم البروجيكت الي عندك
if (Place >= 50) { if (entry.Donation >= 200000000) { Rank = NobilityRank.Earl; } else if (entry.Donation >= 100000000) { Rank = NobilityRank.Baron; } else if (entry.Donation >= 30000000) { Rank = NobilityRank.Knight; } } else { if (Place < 5) { Rank = NobilityRank.King; } else if (Place < 17) { Rank = NobilityRank.Prince; } else { Rank = NobilityRank.Duke; } } var oldRank = entry.Rank; entry.Rank = Rank; if (Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(entry.EntityUID, out client)) //El-Coder { bool updateTheClient = false; if (oldRank != Rank) { updateTheClient = true; if (Rank == NobilityRank.Baron) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has the Baron title.", Color.White, Message.TopLeft), Server.GamePool); } if (Rank == NobilityRank.Earl) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has the Earl title.", Color.White, Message.TopLeft), Server.GamePool); } if (Rank == NobilityRank.Duke) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has the Duke title.", Color.White, Message.Center), Server.GamePool); } if (Rank == NobilityRank.Prince) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has the Prince title.", Color.White, Message.Center), Server.GamePool); } if (Rank == NobilityRank.King) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has become the new King/Queen in " + Constants.ServerName + ".", Color.White, Message.Center), Server.GamePool); } if (Rank == NobilityRank.Knight) { Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulation! " + client.Entity.Name + " has become a Knight.", Color.White, Message.TopLeft), Server.GamePool); } } else { if (previousPlace != Place) { updateTheClient = true; } } if (updateTheClient || client.Entity.UID == updateUID) { NobilityInfo update = new NobilityInfo(true); update.Type = NobilityInfo.Icon; update.dwParam = entry.EntityUID; update.UpdateString(entry); client.SendScreen(update, true); client.Entity.NobilityRank = entry.Rank; } } sortedBoard.Add(entry.EntityUID, entry); Place++; } catch { } } Board = sortedBoard; lock (BoardList) BoardList = Board.Values.ToList(); } public static ulong GetMinimumDonation(Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks Rank) { switch (Rank) { case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Knight: case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Lady: return 0x1c9c380L;
case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Baron: case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Baroness: return 0x5f5e100L;
case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Earl: case Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks.Countess: return 0xbebc200L; } return MinimumDonationFor(Rank); } public static ulong MinimumDonationFor(Network.GamePackets.Nobility.NobilityIcon.NobilityRanks Rank) { ulong num = 0L; for (int c = 0; c < BoardList.Count; c++) {